Monday, November 17, 2008

Is that an organizer in your pocket...........?

Ok, so, you want a way to carry around information in your pocket, but trying to keep up with the Blackberry settings, or Palmpilot apps or even your cellphone can be confusing. So how about an old school way of keeping your information.

Pocketmod allows you to print out a variety of pages, such as emergency info, blank note pages, tip calculator, mini 12 month calendar, 30 day calendar, etc. All this prints on a single sheet of paper, and there's a handy folding guide to help you fit it in your pocket.

I keep an emergency list, the calendar, and several blank note pages in my pocket for misc notes (such as IP addresses, email addresses, and other geeky info.)

Give it a try. It sure beats trying to figure out how to access the address book on your cellphone.

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