Monday, November 10, 2008

Bye Bye Birdie....

Ok, so, we all know there are a LOT of plug ins available for Firefox. But did you know there are plug ins available for Thunderbird as well?

Here's a list of my favorite plug ins for Thunderbird to get started.

Adblock Plus - Adware filtering for your email.

Adblock Plus Filter Uploader - Updater for Adware, keeps the program current

Adblock Plus Element Hiding Helper - Addon for Adblock, allows you to create custom text rules for filtering.

Contacts Sidebar - create an Outlook style contacts sidebar in Thunderbird.

Message Faces - add images of friends and family that show up when they email you.

- A calendar plugin, similar to the calendar in Outlook.

Now, to install these, you need to right click on the links and download the files to your computer. Once you download the files, you need to open Thunderbird, and then choose TOOLS, ADDONS, and click INSTALL. Then point to the directory you downloaded the files.

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