Friday, September 5, 2008

Hello, Hanna!

Here she comes.. Walkin' down the street..Gets the funniest looks from.. Everyone she meets...

The rainbands started around 1pm today. Mainly just light rain off and on. As the evening progressed, the rains would continue to get heavier.

Around 9pm they announced a tornado warning for Duplin County, and the path had it moving to the northwest. The area was southeast of us. Have a feeling that we are in for more of this as the storm progresses.

Well, we lost the television signal at about 10:50pm. Right at the end of Stargate - Atlantis. So, now I don't know how this weeks episode ends. Oh, well, such is life..

Maybe I can get in a little Starcraft before bed. Or maybe just go to bed. If the tv is still out I'm not worried. Several weeks ago I picked up theVictory at Sea DVD set, Attack on Pearl Harbor DVD, World War II, the German Front, and Crusade in the Pacific Volume 1 and 2.
Plus about 10 hours of the History Channels Civil War Journal.

And if the power goes out, I have Band of Brothers on my laptop. But in all reality, I more than likely will end up playing Chutes and Ladders with my daughter. Maybe I can work on her chess game a little more.

We don't have a weather radio, but I do have my cellphone set up with a weather app that alerts me whenever there is a warning in my area. So we will be ok for tonight. As long as I don't snore...

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